

(514) 618-5536

Quote Number FP-000240
Quote Date November 10, 2022
Total $9,000.00
Ted Sancton

2608 Louis Joseph Gaston Terrace
Lachine, QC H8S 4H6


Website Development (Business Plan)

  • Complete redesign monarchist.ca web in WordPress.
  • 5 pages included (Free)
  • 25 additional pages at a rate of $100/page
  • Setup and configuration of the online store.
  • French version of website (30 pages of translated content)
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Website Business Plan

Complete re-design of monarchist.ca website
Designing the template
Data entry, text formatting (Font family, colors, sizing, headers)
Image formatting (resizing and optimizing)
5 pages included (Free of charge)

25 Additional pages

25 custom additional pages (English)
Website content supplied by client

1 Ecommerce

Create online store
WooCommerce setup

Up to 25 products added to store

Membership section (Purchase/Renew memberships)
- Family
- Individual
- Lifetime
- Full-time student

Donation section
- Fighting Fund
- Special Appeal
- Event tickets

Configure payment gateway (Paypal)
- Paypal buttons
- Paypal API configuration

25 French Translation

French translation
25 custom additional pages (All text and content must be supplied by client)
Purchase of translation plugin (WPML license)

1 Balance remaining on Starter Plan

There is a balance remaining of $500.
You will be credited the $500 already paid (please see discount).

Sub Total $9,500.00
Tax $0.00
Discount -$500.00
Total $9,000.00